Sunday, June 6, 2010

the motion makes me last.

today I've decided to write some texts in my so much imperfect english. I will try to express myself in other language not knowing how much, how long and how seriously, just to put myself to some restrictions therefore to expand my inner opportunities eventually. I hope. nobody is reading this blog anyway. so I am creating a continuation of my inner space of thinking here.

recently I've been thinking about texts simultaneously floating around and affecting us. surely there are millions of them but if a scope would be reduced to the texts that we are consciously consuming, the result would be not less interesting. I tried to list the books I am currently reading:

regina rudaitytė the metamorphosis of character in postmodern fiction
aldous huxley suvokimo durys. dangus ir pragaras / the doors of perception. heaven and hell
aleš šteger poezija. neapsimoka / poetry. doesn't paying off (as it is so characteristic to the poetry - the name is untranslatable)
michel foucault diskurso tvarka / the order of discourse
agnė narušytė nuobodulio estetika lietuvos fotografijoje / the aesthetics of boredom: a case of lithuanian photography
ian jeffrey bill brandt's secrets. in bill brant (photoalbum)

currently read:
george bataille akies istorija / story of the eye

the one i am going to read soon:
roland barthes teksto malonumas / the pleasure of the text

those books arranges in specific (dis)order not only in my mind, but also on my bedside table. to tell the truth, they are constantly changing their position: occupying the top one after the other. By writing this I imagine a motion picture, reflecting their constant moving, that could hardly reflect the movement in my head but anyway.

and the only conclusion that comes to my mind at the moment is the name of the song by eluvium: the motion makes me last. it is so imperfert and not precise, because it can fit to dozens of things but imperfection makes me move. doesn't it?

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